Our Character Evolution
Not a Pokémon rip off we assure you, but our characters also underwent their own evolution to have their own flare and style
Ahh yes, the Scoopy characters. What an interesting time it was during it's creation. This was during the time of the blow up of 'Subtle Asian Traits' and the meme about UWU and cute characters.
As a new business, we originally wanted to be taken more seriously with our brand image, and felt like we had something to prove. However, the introduction to the Scoopy characters expressed the funner side of Scoopy and we then realised this was the path we wanted to continue on.
In the beginning, the characters came into fruition through trial and research. Some of the first drafts of these characters we have to say we're pretty interesting. We reached out to our close friends and researched what other brands with mascots we're doing. We received inspiration from 'LINE friends' but wanted to recreate it in an original way that screamed Scoopy. Thus the first 5 Scoopy characters were born.
The first five Scoopy characters were of course the first five flavours introduced to our menu: Mai Thai Times, Matcha Bonsai, Milky Brew, Dusky Dream and Royal Taro.
As we develop new flavours for our customers to enjoy, a new character is born along with its exclusive colour and ingredient composition to reflect on the character design. We believed this would be formula we follow for every flavour we introduced at this point in time, though the challenges ahead would soon draw closer than we expected.